Friday, April 16, 2010


Since when did 26 become the new old age? I am listening to a conversation about people talking about being 26 and 27 and being old. Then call some one who is 21 a baby. 26 isn't old and 21 isn't a baby. It's all about who you are not your age. It all just sounds so stupid to me. I had accomplished something that was pretty amazing to me by the time I was 20, I was a home owner. Yes, I had a little help but to begin with but noone did it all for me. People still said 'you're so young you're such a baby' and it made me mad. I hate when people think they know all about you because of how long you have walked this stupid planet. So suck it! :')

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where is the ing?

I think America has forgotten how to say 'ing' with their words. Just about eveyone I come in contact with says cookin', expectin', waitin', hangin', etc.

I watch a TV show (don't know which one) on HGTV and the host even uses lazy words and doesn't pronounce the 'ing' on all of these words. Once I start payin attention to what he is sayin I can't watch anymore. I can't take watching the the show anymore.

It's too bad that I notice all these little things. My life would be much simpler if I could be ignorant to these things.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I work..

with a bunch of people are completely obsessed with their weight in every single way. It's all they talk about. It's sickening. There is nothing wrong with being healthy, working out, and eating right but it makes me sick listening to these people bash them selves on how fat and out of shape they are and 'I can't eat that' and 'you should eat this' and 'Well my one boob weights more than you're entire body'.

Is there anyone in the world that is fairly happy with them selves (besides me)?

Monday, April 12, 2010

I should..

  • start doing this again
  • make new friends (in real life)
  • Ride my bike more
  • Eat better? I just don't know how...
  • make some goals-I don't know what about though...

That's all for now. Will see how my 'I should' list goes...

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I currently feel nothing.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

My wish list...

Well, a house. I am tired of living in this little condo. No space. No
backyard. People always watching me. The neighbor who is a sexist
fucking republican wbo doeant like
Young peope who always has something to bitch about and can't have a
conversation with me but only looks at my husband when talking.

Hey sexist republican guy. I'm the one who owns this condo not him ya
asshole. I'm glad you can talk to the old ladies around here with out
husbands and appear to give then a little respect so maybe your not a
total woman hater. Maybe it is because I'm young. You can still kiss

Back to my wish list since you pissed me off and weren't even around.

1. A house
2. Skills to fix up said house
3. People in my life to not give up on my but just push me a bit so I
don't just settle or they don't just settle because I have said eh I
don't feel like
4. A dog
5. More money. Not just handed to me. I mean a higher paying job. I
have bi problem working for it.

Thats about all. For now

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Flat cat

And I are hanging out in the front room watching some tv

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Am not happy right now. I am stressed and don't feel like I am able to
talk to the people I need to.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Am really into camera apps for my phone right now. I am also really
into remodeling and designing my new bathroom. E doesn't seem so into
it though.

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This is..

The face of someone who doesn't give a crap about Susans birthday.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Domo nap

Excuse me

But my phone changes EVERYTHING that I don't want it to. It's domo not
domi. Damn phone.

I bet E doesn't even read this thing anymore.

He makes me mad because he his CONSTANTLY burried in his phone. At his
moms, at my parents, when were out with friends. It's incosiederate.
If you don't know why then just ask me.

Sent from my iPhone

English please.

I do not like when people can not say the simplest of words. It's
stole not stolled. It's sure not shore. It's fish not fishes. Deer not

Get it right!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I need to stop taking it from others.


To say what I have done has made my mom mad at me would be putting it lightly. My mother is not mad my my mother is furious. Furious, enraged, fuming, or even on the war path. Whatever you would like to call it, well, my mom is it.

On 03/06/09 Eric and I went down to the courthouse and got married. I didn't do it this way with the intent of having my mother never talk to me again. Even at that, be mad. I mean, I knew she wasn't going to be jumping up and down excited because as everyone thinks-and I don't seem to-getting married is like the biggest thing in ones life. Yes, it was important to me and that it why I did it. I wanted to be with Eric.

So, it has been one week now and my mom is madder than ever. She is mad at my dad-even though they live in the same house and are still married and knew nothing until she did. She is mad at him because he is not mad at me, he has accepted it and moved on even though he wishes that he could have been there for the ceremony as well. He continues to be happy for me but I know I have unintentionally made his life miserable-my mom doesn't know how to direct her anger and she won't talk to him, yells at him and is down right mean to him right now because he is accepting. All because of me. So, I am sorry dad.

I have had my ups and downs with my dad throughout my entire life. When I was younger we didn't along so well. At all. My dad has changed a lot and has a great sense of humor and a greater tolerance level over all. My dad made me laugh when I was leaving. He said to me 'You were a pain in the ass for the 20 years that you lived here. Now, you continue to be pain in the ass.' He laughed and said 'I love you.'

Friday, March 13, 2009


anyone ever read this?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Food or thought? I got both.

It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.

This was on a white board at the bagel joint in Ft. Myers while I was
on vacation.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The longest rest stop restroom ever.

At least I think it was. If you've seen longer let's see the pics buddy.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Car wash.

I am at the car wash and came inside to sit and relax only to have
some inconsiserate woman sit back to back of me and talk LOUDLY on her
cell phone. Asshole.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009


I say seems to matter.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sleepy cat.

She likes the sun. She is also really dirty from rolling around on the
patio. Zoe.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Veggie burger with meunster cheese and jack daniels bbq sauce. Mmmm mm

Thursday, February 12, 2009

E thinks it's cold outside

Ginger is nice and cozy in the chair with E.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It snores



It was just the right amount of warm

I never get to see the sunrise.

Went to St. Lukes cataract and eye institue the other morning and
after they dialated my eyes they threw me back out in the waiting
room. The waiting room is 50 feet long with floor to ceiling windows
on the entire east side. At the time I couldn't really tell how
beautiful the sunrise was over the lake but now I can enjoy it. Glad I
took a picture. Next time I get to enjoy this view will be one year
from now. Maybe I will see it with my own eyes next year...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I need to remember to remove my signature from my emails when I send
them so my blog entries quit saying (see below)

------>Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I love sitting in my car at the stop light and having the heat on to
keep the windows defrosted so the asshole in the lane next to me can
smoke and pollute my car with his cigarettes. Roll your windows up and
kill your self buddy.

Have a nice day.

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, January 2, 2009

One Problem

My 'Not a paper Cup' lid has no where for air to get into my cup.  This means that when i drink and the liquid pours into my mouth the lid begins to get sucked inward.  I guess no one tried this cup out before selling it.  Oh well, I still really like my cup. Oh one more thought on this.  If I keep drinking and drinking out of it with out stopping will that cause the lid to cave in so much that it will come off and my drink spill all over me?  hmmmm

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Jarryds backyard with a light snow.


It snowed while I was here. I got what I wanted yippie. We did 360s
down the highway too. I was scared to be in that car the rest of the
trip. We leave the columbus airport today. Current time: 12.25 pm

Below is the weather from over a week ago

Monday, December 8, 2008


Tonight were building a fire. Excuse me. Tonight Jarryd will be
building a fire for us to enjoy out side. I don't like eric right now.
He doesn't listen to me.

Sent from my iPhone

Got some slippers

But this cat attacks my feet when I wear them. They only cost me $2.39
plus tax at Ikea. They are red. Kat-O loves them. I don't love wearing
them around it.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


This is where I am. I am loving it except for I don't have jackie. I
really miss her. I cried today because I miss her.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Good advice from the makers of Dove.

Stupid doctors

I wish they wouldn't schedule 3 appointments at the same time since
they are only one fucking person. I walked in at 9:52, signed in as I
am supposed to and dude walks in after me goes in first. Guess he had
the 9:59 appointment I couldn't get. So now I am still sitting here at
10:20 pissing me day away. Not getting paid so I can see the doctor
for about 5 min. I just want jim to check my ears and send me on my
way. Oh I do want to ask him if there is anything I can do to make my
ears not explode while I fly too. I guess that is why I go second -
because I have lots of questions. Bah. Stinkin doctors.

Oh and one of the receptionists/MA is unfriendly.

Sent from my iPhone

Mashed potatoes!

That's what I am bringing for our thanksgiving lunch at work.
We found stuffing to eat for tofurkey dinner which eric just KNEW they
didn't make anything that wasn't chicken or turkey or meat flavored. I
wish he would just listen to me sometime and stop being such a hardass
because he doesn't know all.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Does my water make me smart?

I like this smart water. It tastes good. I dont really know who reads my blog except for Jackie and Eric. I think thats it. Ashley Simpson just had her baby-who cares. Its her life. I am going on vacation soon. I wish I were able to see ackie on my vacation but, it seems that this trip will not be so. Were having TGI Fridays for dinner. I am taking care of Cheryls cats while she is away for Thanksgiving. The unemployment rate has apparently goone up 60% inthe past year. How the hell does anyone live now-a-days? Well, I have two jobs, so I am sorry but I am working full time and part time so I have taken a part time job away from someone who needs to have a job but I need my part time job in order to live. Why does my job not just pay me more? Maybe they will soon. Then I can be generous and give my pt job to somone else that really needs it. I was at work today and needed to make a 3way call with the customer and phone customer. It didnt work so well, but we did page the entire building. The VP was reaching for something under her desk while Conda and I were testing out how to use it bc at that point I told the customer I would call them back. Anyway, Conda went to test it and E(the VP) was reacing for something under her desk and thought Conda was yelling at her but it was really coming from her phone. Then E comes out of her office and well, everyone is yelling(not in an angry manner) at Conda 'what happened?" and E was asking the same. Then told us she thought Conda was yelling at her in her office-which made this whole situation even funnier. So, I had to go use someone elses phone that was conference capable. Stupid phone. Some little assholes in St Pete are using blow darts at people-for no particular reason. Kids are stupid. I would like the greenbean fries from Fridays. They dont have much for either of us. Why is everything coverned in meat? I hope it snows when I go to Cincy. Jarryd is in trouble if it doesnt. Thats about it for now.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sweet peaches!

I don't think they are supposed to look like this or feel like rubber.
No peaches for me.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fire! Lane!

Is it ok for the fire tuck to park in the fire lane if there no fire at the Publix?

They always do-just to run in and get their subs.


Music is boring...

The radio plays the same three songs, ok fine make it seven... I come to work and listen to the same 'relaxing' massage music. This does not make me relax. I can not think of new music to listen to-to put on my ipod. It just makes me annoyed. I need help! I would rather be deaf than listen to this crap.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Click . Click . Click . Flash!

So, I am researching a camera I am well, IN LOVE with, and its awesome. A 4 G internal mem. touch screen all these other fantastic features. Well, its the Sony DSC T700. Well, the thing about all this research that I am doing is all these sites offier this camera at a great discounted price. With out the 4G memory. Horse shit I say! Then I have to go and but the additional memory card since geee I cant fit very many pictures on a 4 mb internal memory and sony seems to only be able to use a sony card-so I have been told. Oh can I please just get this camera. Ggggrrrr. By the way, I am not happy with all these customer service departments that I am calling. They answer the phone 'Hello?' and then do not identify the company they are working for or them selves and I am just baffeled by this. ALso, when I am done and tell them thank you and what not they just hang up. What the heck kind of basement run customer service department are these? No thank you for calling have a nice day, or did i answer all of your questions/do you have any additional questions? I am just amazed by's terrible.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Report Card..

Nothing exciting going on in life lately. Just waiting for December 6th so I can go see The Jarryd. Hope it snows!

Time to

Break out the hot cocoa! Mmmmmm

Friday, November 7, 2008


Say hi to Otis. He is a rock star.

Nothing like...

Safety first. Some old fogies were driving with their dog in the
window of the back of the car. Hope you don't get in an accident or
have to slam on the brakes. Puppy will be catipulted into your front
windsheild. Good luck pup.



Laundry basket. We need to wash some clothes since it doesn't all fit.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Again again!

When will the toaster oven cheese sandwhich catch on?!

Monday, November 3, 2008

My boy

Ya. He's good lookin.

Another one bites the dust...

Yep. I had another grilled cheese slammich for lunch today. There was
lots if traffic on the way to work today too.

Went to the DMV also. Why do old people have to be out when working
people are starting there day? There should be a law against them
taking time in the morn to do stuff that can be taken care if later
because they don't have jobs.

Sleepy time. I'm out!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Spell check?!

So, I work in the correspondence department for a company that does customer service for voicemail. Anyway, we give them CONFIRMATION numbers when they cancel-as most companies do. Well, here is my does any one think that confirmation number is abbreviated as 'Comp #'. Oh, I know, they think they got a comPfumashun number don't they?

Ugh, it drive me insane. Daily.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Peanut Butter Jelly and a baseball bat...

Dear Malmart,

Thanks for being open late, because I would go to Kmart to get my lunch box(I'm sorry but it is closer to my house). I am not going there becase those assholes close at 10 and I am working tonight.

I don't really want to carry a lunch box like a complete dork but there was a palmetto bug in the refer at work and I think I would rather carry a doofus lunch box than potentially pull out some coocaracha with my meal-EVER.

So, hopefully you will have a really great one for me and some freezer packs ready. I don't want to be there all night.



P.S. Please don't let me get in the line with the lady who takes FOREVER checking people out. I try to avoide her but some how her line is always the shortest-maybe since others are avoiding her too.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I made a grilled cheese sandwhich in the toaster oven at work today. I must say, it turned our quite perfectly. I prepared it last night by buttering my break and placing cheese inthe center. I used muenster. It was placedon foil, then broilsed, flipped and broiled again for delicious goodness.

I am a great cook.

Oh ya, I am having yogurt too. They made it with 1% milk fat and added Vitamins A & D. I feel really good now that I am getting those extra vitamins. Woo hoo!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Mac N Cheese for lunch today. I only bought two when we went to the store so I won't be writing about that for a while.

The frog and the wig:

Frog walks into the bar and spots a beautiful girl at the bar. He walks up behind her and says that he will buy her drink for her so the bar tender says 'That will be $1" After the girl walks away the frog says to the bartender "that looked good, I'll tkae one of those too'' So, the bar tender mixes up the frogs drink and says 'That will be $6.'' The frog is shock and asked the bartender why his drink is $6 and the same drink he previously paid for which was the exact same was only $1 for her. The bartender replies, 'It's ladies night.' So, the frog walks out of the bar puts on a wig, comes in and says '$1?''

Thursday, October 16, 2008

So, I am sitting at work eating my Mac N Cheese when a client walks in the door. She leans over the counter, looks at my dinner and says (with a snippy little attitude) 'Ya, well that looks nutritious' .

I hate people who just want to be rude for the sake of being rude. Does it really matter or effect her as to what I am eating? And anyways, it's god dang Mac N Cheese not Deep f ried bacon wrapped gravy covered pigs balls or anything.

Then she proceded to tell me another mess of bullship and for a moment I thought about taking my mac n cheese and smashing her face into it on the counter. It was a nice thought for a moment and then I got back to reality and sold her her stinkin gift cards.

Enjoy your massage when you come back shit face. Hope I'm not here.

Love, Melissa

I think of my great grandma a lot. Well, about her place in Chicago. I remember she had this small sun room in the front and a Mallard duck. I used to sit there and pet it. Weird. A stuffed dead duck is nothing I would touch now days. Also, I can remember all these deatils and the furniature and floor plan. I remember her basement and looking out the kitchen window on the the back patio and the little yard she shared with the other peoplein her building. She had one of those old school lawn mowers that you puched by hand and the thing was like a barre with blades. I remember all of these things. Even standing outside on the street and just thinking how neat it was inthe city. It was so different than here in Florida. How do I remmeber all these things from when I was 7 or something but I forget some ones name if they tell me it now days? Maybe because I don't care to remember...